If you’re not a chimney expert, knowing what’s going on inside this hidden system can be a guessing game. Chimneys are dark and difficult to see, so even when you try to check for the damage it can be a struggle to see or understand what’s going on in that dark tunnel.

This can make it difficult to know when you should schedule a chimney cleaning. Even if you have it cleaned annually, there could be problems you have no knowledge of, building up every time you use your fireplace. You may be enjoying a warm fire, night after night, without realizing substances have built up on your chimney walls that are restricting its airflow. There could also be cracks and chips that need to be repaired.

Obvious Signs it’s Time for a Chimney Cleaning

time for a chimney cleaningWhile you may not be able to understand what’s going on inside your chimney, paying attention to what’s happening outside your chimney can tell you a lot. The way your chimney smells, how the air around it feels or how your fireplace is working can all help you know what’s going on inside your chimney.


If your chimney is working correctly smoke should leave your home through it rather than filling up the room and preventing you from enjoying your fireplace. Excess smoke may be a sign substances in your chimney are restricting its airflow and preventing the smoke from leaving. In order to keep smoke from filling your home, schedule a chimney cleaning to get rid of the substances building up in your chimney.


The odor around your chimney can actually tell you a lot. A musty odor can be sign water has gotten into your chimney, which may mean there is structural damage creating leaks. A burnt smell that lingers, even when your chimney is not in use, maybe a sign there’s creosote on your chimney walls. If you notice either of these odors around your chimney it’s probably time to schedule a chimney cleaning.

Cold Air

If a part of the structure of your chimney is damaged, it can let cold air into it and your home. If you feel a cold draft by your fireplace, there may be chips and cracks along the walls of your chimney that need repair. Cold air may also be a sign of a restricted airflow in your chimney, which requires a good chimney cleaning to fix.

When it comes to your chimney, it’s always better to be on the safe side. If you notice any of the above, or are simply unsure what’s going on in your chimney, schedule an inspection and cleaning so an experienced chimney sweep can take care of any problems for you.

Unsure whether it’s time to have your chimney cleaned? Fill out the contact form below and we can help you figure out what’s going on inside your chimney.